
Attach a Handler provided with a callback function to the Evt

There is multiple flavor of the attach method: attachOnce, atachPrepend, attachExtract... All this methods have in common to accept the same parameters and to return the same promise.

The $ prefix

Due to a current TypeScript limitation the .attach*() methods need to be prefixed with $ when used with fλ operators but evt.$attach*() are actually just aliases to the corresponding evt.attach*() methods.

import { Evt } from "evt";

const evtText= new Evt<string>();

//No operator, we don't need the $ prefix
evtText.attach(text => console.log(`1: ${text}`));

//text => text.startWith("H") is a filter so we do not need the $ prefix
    text => text.startWith("H"),
    text => console.log(`2: ${text}`)

//text => [ text.toUpperCase() ] is a fλ operator, we need the $ prefix
    text => [ text.toUpperCase() ],
    upperCaseText => console.log(`3: ${upperCaseText}`)

//"1: Hello World" 
//"2: HelloWorld"
//"3: Hello World"
evtText.post("Hello World");


  1. operator: Operator<T,U>

  2. timeout: number Amount of time, in milliseconds before the returned promise rejects if no event has been matched within the specified delay.

  3. ctx: CtxA context that can be used as a reference to detach the handler later on.

  4. callback: (data: U)=> void Function that will be invoked every time the matcher match an event emitted by the Evt.

A large number of overload is provided to cover all the possible combination of arguments. The ordering in which the parameters are listed above must be respected but every parameter other than the callback can be omitted.


  • Only specifying a timeout: evt.attach(timeout, callback)

  • Specifying an operator and a context: evt.attach(op, boundTo, callback)

  • ...

Returned Value

It no timeout argument have been passed all attach methods return this.

If a timeout arguement was passed a Promise<U> that resolves with the first event data matched by the operator. By default of operator, all the events are matched.

The returned promise can reject only if a timeout parameter was passed to the attach* method.

If no event has been matched within the specified timeout, the promise will reject with a EvtError.Timeout. If the event is detached before the first event is matched, the promise will reject with an EvtError.Detached.

If you have no use of the callback function and just want the promise, evt.waitFor(...) should be used in place of evt.attach*(...).


Adds a new handler to the end of the handlers array. No checks are made to see if the holder has already been added. Multiple calls passing the same combination of parameters will result in the handler being added, and called, multiple times.


When the method contains the keyword "once": Adds a one-time handler. The next time an event is matched this handler is detached and then it's callback is invoked.


When the method contains the keyword "prepend": Same as .attach() but the handler is added at the beginning of the handler array.

import { Evt } from "evt";

const evtLetter = Evt.create();

  .attach(() => console.log("B"))
  .attach(() => console.log("C"))
  .attachPrepend(() => console.log("A"))

//"A", "B", "C" is printed to the console.

Run the example


When the method contains the "extract" keyword, every event that the handler matches will be swallowed and no other handler will have the opportunity to handle it, even the other "extract"' handlers. It acts as a trap.

"extract" handler has priority even over "prepend" Handlers.

If multiples "extractes" handlers are candidates to extract an event the handler that has been added first have priority.

import { Evt } from "evt";

const evtCircle = new Evt<Circle>();

    ({ radius }) => radius <= 0,
    ({ radius }) => console.log(`Circle with radius: ${radius} extracted`)

    circle => {
        //We can assume that the circle has a positive radius.
        console.assert(circle.radius > 0);

//Extract have priority over prepend
    circle => console.assert(circle.radius > 0)

Run the example

Last updated