
Cast the passed event as portable.

Use this method only onEvt you instantiated yourself. Not as a hack to trigger events on Evt that have been exposed as non-postable by an API.

To invoke post() on a NonPostableEvt or a StatefullReadonlyEvt.


Without this method this would be the way for a class to expose Evt that are posted internally and exposed to be listened.

import { Evt } from "evt";

class Socket2 {

    private readonly _evtIsConnected= Evt.create(false);
    private readonly _evtMessage= Evt.create<Uint8Array>();

    readonly evtIsConnected= Evt.asNonPostable(this._evtIsConnected);
    readonly evtMessage= Evt.asNonPostable(this._evtMessage);

        OR, more explicit but require to repeat the types and to
        import type { StatefulReadonlyEvt, NonPostableEvt } from "evt";

    readonly evtIsConnected: StatefulReadonlyEvt<boolean>= this._evtIsConnected;
    readonly evtMessage: NonPostableEvt<Uint8Array> = this._evtMessage;


        this._evtIsConnected.state = true;
        this._evtMessage.post(new Uint8Array(111));



Now it can be frustrating to have to store a private property only to call post on a object that we know is postable. Here is were this method come in handy:

class Socket {

    readonly evtIsConnected= Evt.asNonPostable(Evt.create(false));
    readonly evtMessage= Evt.asNonPostable(Evt.create<Uint8Array>());


        Evt.asPostable(this.evtIsConnected).state = true;
        Evt.asPostable(this.evtMessage).post(new Uint8Array(111));



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