Operator<T, U> (type)

Operators provide a way to transform events data before they are passed to the callback.

EVT Operators can be of three types:

  • Filter: (data: T)=> boolean.

    Only the matched event data will be passed to the callback.

  • Type guard: <U extends T>(data: T)=> data is U

    Functionally equivalent to filter but restrict the event data type.

  • Filter / transform

    • Stateless fλ: <U>(data: T)=> [U] | null Map the input type T to an output type U.

    • Stateful fλ: [ <U>(data: T, prev: U)=> [U] | null, U /*initial value*/ ]

      Same, but with a memory of the previous data.

Where to use operators

Operators functions can be used with:

type Circle = {
    color: string;
    radius: number;

// Operator that ignore all non blue circle and return the radius of all blue circles.
const blueRadius = (circle: Circle)=> circle.color !== "blue" ? null : [circle.radius];

const evtCircle = Evt.create<Circle>();

// Usage with attach, ($) because it's a fλ
    radius => { /* ... */}

const radius= await evtCircle.waitFor(blueRadius);

    .attach(radius=> { /* ... */ });

Operator - Filter

Let us consider the example use of an operator that filters out every word that does not start with 'H'.

import { Evt } from "evt";

const evtText= Evt.create<string>();

    text=> text.startsWith("H"), 
    text=> {
        console.assert( text.startsWith("H") );

//Nothing will be printed to the console.

//"Hi!" will be printed to the console.

Run the example

It is important to be sure that your filter always return a boolean, typewise you will be warned it is not the case but you must be sure that it is actually the case at runtime. If in doubts use 'bang bang' ( !!returnedValue ). This note also applies for Type Gard operators.

Operator - Type guard

If you use a filter that is also a type guard, the type of the callback argument will be narrowed down to the matched type.

Let us define a straight forward type hierarchy to illustrate this feature.

type Circle = {
    type: "CIRCLE";
    radius: number;

type Square = {
    type: "SQUARE";
    sideLength: number;

type Shape = Circle | Square;

//Type Guard for Circle:
const matchCircle = (shape: Shape): shape is Circle =>
    shape.type === "CIRCLE";

The matchCircle type guard can be used to attach a callback to an Evt<Shape> that will only be called against circles.

import { Evt } from "evt";

const evtShape = Evt.create<Shape>();

    shape => console.log(shape.radius)

//Nothing will be printed on the console, a Square is not a Circle.
evtShape.post({ "type": "SQUARE", "sideLength": 3 });

//"33" Will be printed to the console.
evtShape.post({ "type": "CIRCLE", "radius": 33 });

Run the example

Operator - fλ

Anonymous functions to simultaneously filter, transform the data and control the event flow.

fλ Returns

The type of values that a fλ operator sole determine what it does:

  • null If the event should be ignored and nothing passed to the callback.

  • [ U ] When the event should be handled, wrapped into the singleton is the value will be passed to the callback.

Stateless fλ

Stateless fλ operator only takes the event data as arguments.

import { Evt } from "evt";

const evtShape = Evt.create<Shape>();

 * Filter: 
 *  Only circle events are handled.
 *  AND
 *  to be handled circles must have a radius greater than 100
 * Transform:
 *  Pass the radius of such circles to the callback.
    shape => shape.type === "CIRCLE" && shape.radius > 100 ? 
        [ shape.radius ] : null,
    radiusOfBigCircle => console.log(`radius: ${radius}`) 
    //NOTE: The radius argument is inferred as being of type number!

//Nothing will be printed to the console, it's not a circle
evtShape.post({ "type": "SQUARE", "sideLength": 3 }); 

//Nothing will be printed to the console, The circle is too small.
evtShape.post({ "type": "CIRCLE", "radius": 3 }); 

//"radius 200" Will be printed to the console.
evtShape.post({ "type": "CIRCLE", "radius": 200 });

Stateful fλ

The result of the previously matched event is passed as argument to the operator.

import { Evt } from "evt";

const evtText= Evt.create<string>();

        (str, prev)=> [`${prev} ${str}`], 
        "START: "  //<= seed
    sentence => console.log(sentence)

evtText.post("Hello"); //Prints "START: Hello"
evtText.post("World"); //Prints "START: Hello World"

****Run the example****

Side effect

If you want your operator to have side effect you should use the second argument of the operator function registerSideEffect:

This is important becaue when you can the .isHandled() method on an evt the operator is invoked. Aditionally your operator can be invoked internally by Evt, it shouldn't produce side effect.

This is why it's important to make sure the the sideEffect is executed only when there is an actuall event posted.

Generic operators

Some generic operators are provided in "evt/operators" such as scan, throttleTime or to but that's about it.

//Importing custom operator chunksOf that is not exported by default.
export { chunksOf } from "evt/operators/chunksOf";
export { distinct } from "evt/operators/distinct";
export { nonNullable } from "evt/operator/nonNullable";
export { onlyIfChanged } from "evt/operators/onlyIfChanged";
export { scan } from "evt/operator/scan";
export { throttleTime } from "evt/operator/throttleTime";
export { to } from "evt/operator/to";

Last updated